Winter Session Details
The Cavalier Wrestling Club's (CWC) Winter Session is for a range of ages and experience, from beginner to more advanced. Below is practice information for each age level for the Winter Session.
Pee Wee (5-7 years old)*
Tuesdays, 6:00-7:00 pm
November 29, 2016 – February 21, 2017
UVA Wrestling Room at Onesty Hall, 300 Massie Road, Charlottesville, VA (view map)
Pee Wee practices are for wrestlers age 5-7 or 8, depending upon size and ability level, and the name of the game is FUN. Mixing basic technique with some live wrestling and games, our coaches work hard to make sure that these practices are the perfect introduction to the sport for your young wrestler. The winter practices also culminate with a super-fun intra-squad match that will be held in the UVA Wrestling Room, so that your youngster will get a chance to feel like their one of the UVA Cavaliers! (There will also be some occasional opportunities for the Pee Wee wrestlers to join the Elementary and Middle School wrestlers for competitions with other wrestling clubs in the area. We will inform parents about those opportunities as the season progresses.)
Elementary & Middle School (8 years and older)*
Mondays and Thursdays, 6:00-7:30 pm
November 28, 2016 – February 23, 2017
UVA Wrestling Room-Onesty Hall, 300 Massie Road, Charlottesville, VA (view map)
Elementary and Middle School practices are designed for ages 8 and up. Wrestlers will be paired each night according to age, weight and ability level based on the available wrestlers, and our coaches will work hard to ensure that each wrestler gets the most out of each practice. We also look forward to offering our wrestlers a chance to compete against other clubs in the area. We plan to distribute a schedule of these in late December with competitions to be held in January and February.
*Before registering, please purchase your USA Wrestling Membership Card here: CWC requires only the $15 card ("Virginia Limited Folkstyle Athlete Membership").